April 2009

Here is Carnatic Cryptic Crossword Puzzle #4 (Here is Puzzle #3):

Carnatic Cryptic Crossword #4

Please check this page for hints, guidelines etc. I will post the solution in about a week.


Here is the solution to Carnatic Cryptic Crossword Puzzle #3:

Note that as indicated the answer for 10A is (6-3) i.e. 9 letters in total as indicated by the puzzle grid, and not (5-3) as indicated by the clue.


Here is Carnatic Cryptic Crossword Puzzle #3 (Here is Puzzle #2):

Carnatic Cryptic Crossword Puzzle #3

Correction: 10A should be (6-3) and not (5-3) as indicated in the clue.

Please check this page for hints, guidelines etc. I will post the solution in about a week.

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